Where is our silver lining? Why the opportunity for a Renaissance in parent engagement is now

During the pandemic, parent engagement in schools underwent significant changes. The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted education systems worldwide, leading to school closures, remote learning, and changes in how schools and families interacted. 

Here are some key observations on what happened to parent engagement during the pandemic:

1. Shift in Balance of Power: The pandemic shifted the balance of power between teachers and families. With remote learning, parents had a more prominent role in their child's education, as they became directly involved in supporting their child's learning from home.

2. Increased Importance: Parent and family engagement became even more critical during the pandemic. As schools shifted to remote or hybrid learning models, parents became essential partners in their child's education, working closely with teachers to ensure continued learning and support.

3. Challenges and Disruptions: The pandemic posed significant challenges to parent engagement. Disruptions to routines, access to early childhood education, and uncertainties caused by the pandemic adversely impacted family engagement. Parents had to navigate new technologies and support their child's learning in unfamiliar ways.

4. Digital Engagement: Parent engagement increasingly relied on digital platforms and communication methods. Virtual parent-teacher conferences, online learning platforms, and digital communication channels became essential tools for maintaining engagement between parents and schools.

5. Increased Awareness: The pandemic highlighted the need for parents to stay informed about their child's education. With remote learning, parents became more aware of what was happening at school and had a greater understanding of their child's progress and challenges.

6. Collaboration and Support: Schools and teachers made efforts to maintain and enhance parent engagement during the pandemic. They provided resources, guidance, and regular communication to support parents in their role as partners in their child's education.

7. Opportunities for Innovation: The pandemic also created opportunities for innovative approaches to parent engagement. Virtual workshops, webinars, and online resources were developed to support parents in navigating remote learning and addressing their child's educational needs.

The impact of the pandemic on parent engagement varied across communities and individual circumstances. While some parents were able to actively engage in their child's education, others faced challenges due to factors such as access to technology, language barriers, or work and childcare responsibilities.

The pandemic brought about significant changes to parent engagement in schools, highlighting the crucial role of parents as partners in their child's education and the need for ongoing collaboration between schools and families.

Parents are keen. The need to nurture parent engagement has never been more important.

Grab the silver lining and let the renaissance begin.


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