

As we return to some sort of normal, at least on the school front, I am observing some pretty stark reminders that the new normal is very different.

In my daily routine I pass by between 2 - 6 primary and secondary schools. Parents have been generally physically absent from many of the secondary schools. Primary schools have always been a hub of parent and community activity. But no more?

The signage is up, gates are closed and “no entry” is strictly enforced. Not for one minute am I suggesting this should not be happening in the current situation. The school landscape is now physically isolated and disconnected from the parent landscape, quite literally. The small groups of primary school parents, all appropriately social distancing, has got me thinking.

  1. Will parent engagement be put on hold until we can find a way to bring parents back onto the school grounds?

  2. Will parents and schools leverage the technology we have been using to connect and engage? 

So much progress has been made in parent engagement. Yes it has been “baby steps” in some places, but on the whole, there is an expectation that there will be parent engagement. 

As I see it now there are two paths. 

We can get busy waiting for things to go back to normal. Or we can redefine how we do parent engagement.

Walk towards the light. We need that more than ever.


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